Moving on to introduce the owner of this website. I go by a lotta names, but you can call me Serena. You might know me for one thing I created, or know me as some fan artist you probably recognized before, but I actually fixate very inconsistently throughout the years, so much so that I would need at least 5 interests for my brain to work well and I am half-joking when I say that.
Now for how I got into Neocities, it was through my friends, then it slowly became a series of me falling in love with the creativity the users have in their own funky little websites. Neocities also reawakened my love for coding HTML and putting whatever you want to share in your own space for everyone else to view.
When it comes to my interests, I don't really talk nor open up about them as much, especially if they seem strange to the average person. But that's exactly one of the reasons why I hopped into Neocities; everything I out of personal passion.
So without further ado, have fun navigating!
IMPORTANT: If some images can't load, try refreshing the page multiple times until it shows up.